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C-DEngine documentation

DWS –Distributed Web Service


The Distributed Web Service (DWS) of the C-DEngine lets you configure resource on one node and consume than on any other node or browser connected to any node of a mesh.


Table of Contents


This document describes the usage of the Distributed Web Service (DWS) of the C-DEngine. It is meant for Web Designers, Web Developers and IT personal in charge of setting up distributed IoT Web Scenarios in Industrial Environments.


The DWS is part of the C-DEngine but in order for the DWS to be active, the C-DEngine must be hosted in a “Relay”. An example for this Relay is the “Factory-Relay” or similar product. With the C-DEngine SDK, developers can easily build their own Relays and DWS environments.


There is no special installation necessary to activate the DWS functionality of a relay. Please follow the instructions to go through the “Hello World - Getting Started” of the C-DEngine.


Each Relay in a C-DEngine mesh is a DWS.

In order for all DWS to work in conjunction, all participating relays have to use the same Scope ID.

For production Relays, the Scope ID can be set in the NMI, in the SDK Sample you can hardcode the ScopeID in your startup file.

Basic Operation

For security reasons, the DWS is meant for static pages only. i.e. Manuals, Help Text, Device Information etc.

If dynamic content is required, a plug-in for the Relay is required that has to provide the dynamic content.

Basic functionality of the DWS

Once a Relay starts for the first time, the relay will create a “ClientBin” sub-folder next to the Relay executable.

The DWS will always look for content in this folder and its sub-folders to serve out to connected browsers.

Hosting a HTML Page in the DWS

  1. Create a small HTML page with the following content and name it “relay.html”.
  <h1>This is My Relay Server</h1>
  1. Now copy this page in the ClientBin folder of your Relay

  2. Next open a browser of your choice and point it at “<yourRelayUrl>/relay.html” (i.e. http://localhost:8706/relay.html)

  3. You will see the page immediately showing in your browser.

Linking other content to the page

As HTML content is rendered and interpreted on the browser, all standard HTML tags are supported including <a> (anchor) and <img>.

Since the DWS is a “Distributed Web Service” you can link to content on other Relays (within the same scope) as if all the content is located on the same server.

  1. Create a folder “Images” under the “ClientBin” folder

  2. Find a nice royalty and license free JPEG image on the web and copy it into the “ClientBin/Images” folder and rename it to “myimg.jpg”

  3. Extend your HMTL page with the following Image Tag

  <h1>This is My Relay Server</h1>
  <img src="/images/myimg.jpg"/>

Now load the page in your browser and you will see the page with the image as expected.

Distributed Web Browsing

If you have a mesh with multiple Relays you can now distribute the HTML resources between all the relays.

Just move the “/Images” folder under ClientBin of another relay within the same mesh

Now open your browser again and you will still see the same page with the images.

If you do the same with an .HTML page, you might see a “Waiting for page…” screen with a counter counting backwards from 10 to zero. The DWS is showing this page to tell the user that it is locating the requested page inside the Mesh. This can take a couple seconds depending on the size of the mesh and the configuration of the mesh (HTTP vs WebSockets).

Distributed Cloud Web Browsing

If your relay is connected to the cloud, you can connect to your site, once you have established at least one secure connection to your relay. Without a previously established connection, the browser and the cloud will not know which relay it has to connect to.

Make sure your Relay node is connected to the cloud.

  1. Go to the Relay plug-in screen and click on the “Cloud Setup” button. If it shows “Public Cloud” you are connected to the Relay cloud. (In the SDK Getting Started demo you set the “ServiceRoute” to the Cloud)

  2. Open a browser and point at

  3. Enter your scopeID for your Relay.

  4. Once you see the main portal of the Relay go to another tab in the same browser.

It is important that you use the same browser and not open a new browser as the cookie of the C-DEngine is only shared between tabs of the same instance of a browser. As soon as you close the browser or use another one, the session is no longer valid and the cookie is automatically deleted.

  1. []{#_Toc421917384 .anchor}Now enter in the URL of the new tab

You will immediately see the “Waiting for Page…” screen.

Then the page refreshes and you will see the page with the “This is My Relay Server” and the image on it.

Advanced Topics


Web Server and Browser have a very complicated relationship when it comes to caching. The Server can offer a cache period and the browser can use it or use its own caching. Meta Tags in the header of the HTTP Message and meta tags in the header of the HTML page can also influence the caching behavior.

For security reasons, the C-DEngine enforces its own caching for content:

The cache is Scope aware and therefore Multi-Tenant enabled. This means that two Relays of two customers can have the same image or HTML Page name but only see their own resources – not the resource of any other customer.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous content

The HTTP protocol was invented in the 1970s and has not evolved much until now. It is still inherently synchronous and not able to do asynchronous work unless a JavaScript engine such as the C-DEngine’s own “cdeNMI.js JavaScript-Engine” is used.

If a browser requests a HTML page, it sends a request to the server and blocks the request thread until the page has returned.

The server has to return the page in the response to the incoming request.

In asynchronous environments, the browser would request a page, and the server returns the page whenever the server has gathered all the information. In some cases, this can be many seconds later and not in the response of the incoming request. The JavaScript C-DEngine is using the principle to send pages and content asynchronously between the DWS and the browser. Unfortunately, this works only for data and dynamic updating content – not for static content such as image resources and html pages.

Since the DWS sometimes has to gather synchronous content from multiple nodes before it sends the content back to the browser, the C-DEngine DWS is holding back the Response in the server for a certain amount of time until the content is delivered from other nodes. Once all content for the request is assembled it sends it back to the browser.

HTML Pages are not held in the server. If a HTML page is not on the “First Node” the first node DWS is sending the “Waiting for Page…” page back to the browser. This page contains a “Meta-Refresh” tag that forces the browser to try again to fetch the page after 10 seconds. In the meantime, the DWS is gathering the page from the other nodes, caches it and once the 10 seconds are up – serves the page back to the browser.

All this is done automatically by the DWS and developers do not need to be aware of this.

Because of this HTTP limitation, most HTML content is provided synchronously. Exceptions are ZIPfiles, XAP (Silverlight Content) and Fonts. Some browsers do automatically retry these resources if they get a 408 (Request Timeout) from the server.

Redundant content

One of the cool features of the DWS is the possibility to create redundant content.

Basically all you have to do is to copy the same content on all nodes in the mesh. The content DWS is trying to locate content for any node in the mesh – if a node went down that had content on it, another node automatically provides the content.

But as always …every magic comes at a price: If you have different content in the same file name (i.e. /images/star.jpg is a different star on another node), you might have unpredictable behavior in the browser. The content of the node that replies first to a DWS request will be used!

Content Authoring

The C-DEngine (C-Labs Distributed Engine) allows to transfer, combine and view content across the C-DEngine Mesh. This can be used for dynamic web sites as well.

The NMI of the C-DEngine (for example the “My Relay Portal”) is an example of distributed content viewing and a central part of the Relay.

Developers can use the C-DEngine Platform to build their own distributed Web Solution. is an example of a distributed web solution. Some of the resources on are provided from different nodes in the mesh. For example the main static pages are on the cloud webserver while documents, whitepapers and other resources are stored on a different node in our secure network at C-Labs. is completely served through the C-DEngine and most of its business logic and content is hosted inside a C-DEngine Plug-In (C-DMyC-Labs)

It is important to understand that there is a big difference between traditional web-sites with static and dynamic content and the C-DEngine NMI (Natural Machine Interface):

Traditional Websites assemble the pages on the server and inject dynamic content at that time. Once the page is delivered to the browser, the content is static - not updating on the page without refreshing the page.

C-DEngine NMI Pages are highly dynamic in the browser and update content on the fly without refreshing the page manually. In fact, if the page would be refreshed manually (by clicking the refresh button in the browser), the NMI would drop the session and the user and require that the user logs in again. Therefore, in complete opposite to traditional web sites, the user MUST NOT REFRESH the page unless he wants to restart the NMI portal.

Dynamic DWS Model

The Dynamic DWS model describes the pages with records in relational tables in a database. By default, these tables are created by the NMI engine in RAM and filled by each plug-in on the fly when the Relay starts. These tables are called the “C-DEngine DWS Meta Model”.

The C-DEngine DWS Meta Model is using three main tables describing the page content:

ThePageDefinition defines the entry points and general settings of a “Page”. For example, the path of the URL (i.e. “/Products.aspx”) or Title of the page to be used. It can also contain a pointer to a record in ThePageContent. If the pointer to ThePageContent is not set but a Template is defined, the DWS will parse the template and send this to the browser.

ThePageContent contains a mapping of a ContentID to ThePageBlocks and is used to describe the content of a page.

ThePageBlocks contains blocks of information and is the actual html content. ThePageBlocks can be reused in multiple ThePageContent records in order to reduce the amount of design required for web sites. ThePageBlocks can also be called “Dialog” or “FacePlates” and can have dynamic content referenced with macros starting and ending with a “%” (i.e. “%SITENAME%” will be replaced with the sitename “TheBaseAssets.MyServiceHostInfo.SiteName’” at the time the page is served to the browser)

Good examples for ThePageBlocks are footers, headers, sidebar content blocks, Advertisement blocks, basically anything that needs to be designed once and reused on multiple pages.

Templates can also include macros that will be interpreted and replaced in the DWS before the page is sent to the browser. They can even include macros pointing at ThePageBlock entries for complete flexibility.

Syntax: %PBLOCK:<GuidOfThePageBlock>%

Smart Pages

Smart Pages are shortcuts to Thing UX pages defined in Plug-Ins


FacePlates are small DIV HTML snipplets that can be used a controls in NMI UX pages and as the content on TileButtons. The difference of FacePlates to ThePageBlocks is the possibility to have live-updating content in the FacePlate if used in conjunction with a plugins Thing Reference.


Congratulations! You have been introduced to the DWS Distributed Web Services of the C-DEngine, and now you should be confident creating your own distributed Web Solution.