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C-DEngine documentation

C-DEngine User Management (UM) Capabilities

The purpose of this white paper is to describe the capabilities of the C-DEngine as it relates to user management. User management systems allows administrators to manage the devices, applications, databases, networks and other resources which users can access. Any discussion of user management must be interwoven with more than a passing consideration of data security. Any compromise to the security of a user management system can have far reaching impacts on an organization's financial well-being, operational integrity, and reputation.


C-DEngine Authentication and Authorization

We start this look at the C-DEngine user management capabilities by discussing authentication and authorization, two topics at the core of every user management system. Authentication is the process of proving your identity. Within the C‑DEngine, there are two different mechanisms for authenticating users. Authorization is the process of providing permission for what you may and may not do. C-DEngine has very fine-grained permission system in place.

Authentication: Either Scope Id or User Id

Within any C-DEngine mesh, all of the nodes will use one of two authentication mechanisms[^1]. One is a scope id, which is a shared secret (or password). The other is a user id/password combination. Figure 1 shows a prompt for a scope id (as in this example, a scope id sometimes is called a "security id").

Figure 1 Browser participation in a mesh using a ScopeID for debugging purposes.

When to use Scope ID vs User Manager

ScopeID login in general is very limted as all users share the same ScopeID but it is great during development as developer can focus on their business logic. Most of the C-DEngine samples do use the ScopeID Login and Generate the ScopeID randomly or even set a fixed ScopeID by the developer. Nodes that do not require user input or the NMI, can use ScopeID based security to connect the node/relay to other nodes in the mesh.

The UserManager requires a setting “UseUserMapper=true” in the configuration. Once turned on, it cannot be turned off anymore without deleting the ClientBin/cache and with it the UserDB.

In addition to its role in authenticating users, the C-DEngine uses the scope id in node-to-node communication. Two nodes that share a common scope id can communicate with each other. And two nodes with different scope ids cannot. This is because the value of the scope id itself provides one of the elements used to encrypt the context of messages sent between nodes.

One important exception is a special class of nodes called "cloud nodes," which are stateless relays that are unscoped (meaning they do not have a scope id). Cloud nodes route packets between nodes with the same scope id..

This is important from a data security perspective. Organizations often route data through systems that are not under their direct control. Such systems can become compromised in a manner that may not be detected in a timely manner. If such a situation should occur on a C-DEngine cloud node, the issue is partly mitigated by the fact that there is no unencrypted "plain text" for unauthorized third-parties to be able to view (if the nodes communicate via SSL/TLS)

Figure 2. Authentication with user id and password.

The main user authentication method in the C-DEngine is by user id and password (see Figure 2). The “First Node” (The node the browser is connected to) validates the uid/pwd against its UM and then includes the browser in the mesh by mapping the user to the ScopeID. The reason is that the scope id plays an important role in securing data communication channels. The scope id is still present and managed on the “First Node” but it is not visible on, stored on or even sent to the browser.

The format of a user id (or "username", as it is called in Figure 2) is an email address. This format was chosen because it is familiar to most computer users and easy for automated systems to validate. It should be noted that C-DEngine provides no "lost password" support. This is because the primary environment for which C-DEngine is targeted are clusters of systems that are interconnected but which might not have access to the internet or to any email server.

This is also the reason that C-DEngine does not support sending email messages or text message to verify the identity of a person logging on to a system. In a typical factory floor setting, local systems are tuned to doing their work and avoiding and the distractions (and accompanying security concerns) associated with being connected to the internet.

Possible Future Enhancement: Two Factor authentication for the Cloud-Gate as it always has access to the internet.

Authorization: Natural Machine Interface

Authorization in the C-DEngine involves a user access mask. When the user manager is installed, each user is assigned a user access level (ACL). The ACL determines what objects a user is allowed to access. Each ACL is mask has eight data bits that are available for defining access permissions. The C-DEngine SDK documentation provides an example of one way the access mask could be interpreted:

Description Decimal Hexadecimal Binary
Everyone 0 0x0 00000000
Untrusted Guest 1 0x01 00000001
Trusted Guest 2 0x02 00000010
Trusted Member1 4 0x04 00000100
Trusted Member2 8 0x08 00001000
Trusted Member3 16 0x10 00010000
Senior Member 1 32 0x20 00100000
Senior Member 2 64 0x30 01000000
Admin 128 0x40 10000000

Table 1. C-DEngine User Access Level (ACL) Settings.

In this system, a user with an access level of 255 (0xFF) would not have any limitations on what they can see or do. A user with an access level of 1 (0x01), on the other hand, would have the least possible user permission. All of that depends, of course, on how these values are applied to the objects being protected. For example, if all objects in a system were coded with a value of 0x01, then what is called the "untrusted guest" would have greater access than other users with higher settings (and, presumably, the expectation of greater access within a given system).

Not everything within the C-DEngine makes use of these values. In fact, there are just a few – all of which are part of the C-DEngine's user-interface engine, the Natural Machine Interface (NMI) subsystem. The list includes these types of objects.:

Example of ACL Applied to Controls

Let's look at an example. Figure 3 shows a form created by a plugin, with six text entry controls. When the time comes to display this form, the NMI subsystem compares the ACL of the current user with the ACL for seven items: one form and six controls.

Figure 3. An example of a plugin form.

Consider if the ACL for a user was set to the value Trusted Member 3 (16 decimal or 0x10 hex). Now suppose the value of each of the seven ACLs was as follows:

Of the six controls, four will appear on the form for the Trusted Member 3: X, Y, Z, and Resistance. The other two controls are not visible to that user, but instead are only visible to Senior Member 1 users. But Senior Member 1 users do not see all six controls either. Instead, only three: Resistance, Heat, and Pressure.

To get a sense for how the ACL for each of the text entry controls get set, here is the line of code used to display one of the six controls (the item labeled 'X'):

    MyBaseThing,            // Associated TheThing owning the control
    tMyForm,                // The Target Form for the control
    eFieldType.SingleEnded, // Control type -- single line text
    1,                      // int fldOrder -- sequence on form
    2,                      // int flags
    0x10,                   // int pACL
    "X",                    // Control label
    "Test_Probe_X"          // Property to bind with

This represents quite a bit of control over who gets to see individual controls. And it is all done by comparing the user's ACL with the object ACL. When the two values are ANDed together, if the value is greater than zero than permission is granted. Otherwise it is not granted.

There is one special case worth mentioning: If the object's ACL is also zero, then access is automatically granted no matter the value of the user's ACL. It is possible, of course, for a user to have an ACL of zero. That is equivalent to an anonymous guest, who would be assigned the lowest privilege level of zero. Such a user would be able to view any object that had a value of zero, which in this context represents an object with no restrictions on its access.